The Grand National Championships

April 15, 2008

Are you there God? It’s Me, Andrew.

There are days when I feel that you are beside me playing the Price is Right losing music in my ear. There are days when you take me and destroy everything I love. But I only say this as context. I still go on. I still live strong as bracelet law commands.

But today leaves me to ask the question. Why God? Why would the media try and sink a presidential candidate for the color of his skin and not the content of his character? Why is a Britney Spears fender bender Earth shattering news? And dear sweet baby Jesus wrapped up in your swaddling clothes, why would you put Jeff Weaver on my favorite baseball team?

I don’t mock those who are forced to deal with Brett Tomko or Sidney Ponson. I do not laugh at the teams that have to give repeated chances to post-hype pitching prospects. I just want my baseball team not to trade arch duke 92 ERA+ for one of the four horsmen of the Apocalypse.

Stupid Apocalypse

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